Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chestnut Hill College Entrance

SEPTA-Surface 2773 8-21-80

SEPTA-Surface 2773 8-21-80, originally uploaded by clkayleib.

spring is coming

spring is coming, originally uploaded by kristina k. dymond.

spring is coming

spring is coming, originally uploaded by kristina k. dymond.

Woodmere Gallery, Chestnut Hill

New Exhibit at Morris Arboretum

Pausing before the Finals

Pausing before the Finals, originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout.


IMG_6335, originally uploaded by tedtee308.

penna woods walk--morris arboretum

another brick in the wall...

another brick in the wall..., originally uploaded by jamiebecca.

another brick in the wall...

another brick in the wall..., originally uploaded by jamiebecca.